News and Articles

We hope you will find this section interesting and informative. Our MSCM articles feature education, news, tips, snippets and musings about all things complementary medicine, the school and upcoming events. If you have something interesting to say and would like to contribute, please get in touch.

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September 27, 2022

Why become a Complementary Therapist?   Complementary therapy is a wonderful profession to be a part of and we feel so lucky to be able to share our knowledge with existing therapists, as well as newbies who are just starting out on their complementary therapy journey.   But the big question is: Why should you consider becoming a complementary therapist?   Having trained over 10,000 therapists since our establishment in 1992, we know that they each […]
November 8, 2020

What Every Therapist Needs Right Now

To say that 2020 has been an emotional roller coaster is an understatement. For self-employed therapists it has been a time unlike any other. A time of fear and uncertainty, of extreme financial challenges and a time during which we’ve being stopped from doing what we all love so much. We miss human interaction, human touch – in effect we are all grieving the loss of their former lives.  Furthermore, we know our clients are suffering […]
July 23, 2020

Post Lockdown News

Post Lockdown Latest News As you may be aware we have been closed since 20th March 2020 and will be re-opening from 1st September. As a small business, this has been (and still is) an incredibly worrying time and we are thankful for the comfort and support from kind messages sent through during this time. We will do everything we can to survive and come through this and hope you will be able to help us […]
March 13, 2020


COVID-19 All of us at MSCM take the health, wellbeing and safety of our students, tutors, staff and visitors very seriously and we will take all necessary precautions to ensure everyone’s continued welfare while in our care. We want to provide you with information about the proactive planning efforts and actions that we are undertaking. We know issues like this can be stressful and we are saddened for the people and families who have been affected. […]
February 18, 2020

WHITELISTING – Tips for How To Ensure You Receive Emails From Your Chosen Contacts

This article has come about as in recent weeks we are hearing that some of our emails are not getting through to some of you but we are not being notified you have not received them. Whitelisting is a quick, one-time-only task to ensure the sender of an email gets added to the recipient’s address book or safe senders list. This tells your email client that you know this sender and trust them, which will keep […]
May 3, 2019

First Steps To Becoming A Therapist

First Steps To Becoming A Therapist   When you are first starting out and looking into becoming a therapist the options can be a little confusing. The flow chart above shows the ITEC courses available at MSCM and the path you must take. Hopefully this will make it clearer.   As you will see, Anatomy and Physiology is the starting point for all therapies. The details for the next step courses are shown later in this […]
April 24, 2019

Simple tips to improve your directory listing

Simple tips to improve your directory listing The MSCM Therapist directory allows the visitors to search many profiles and then choose the therapist they think best matches their needs. This means it’s even more essential that you have a compelling profile that’s clear about who you are and the and the type of work you do. By spending a little time tweaking you can enhance your listing to maximum effect. Here are some tips to get […]
February 21, 2019
Lymphatic Massage

Consider a Career in Complementary Therapies

Consider a Career in Complementary Therapies Careers in Complementary Therapies have been gaining in popularity for the past 25-30 years and continue to grow today. With the current wellness boom in the UK today, complementary practitioners have the opportunity to make this rewarding field their full-time career. Training as a complementary therapist offers a huge diversity of career paths. You will find complementary therapists  working in a multitude of different environments, from offices, hospitals and hospices, […]
March 15, 2018

Our Green Commitment

Our Green Commitment In an on-going effort to run an environmentally friendly business we are always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. As a training provider reducing paper consumption is the simplest and most obvious way we can make a difference Did you know? Paper usage in many parts of the word is on the rise.  Over 40 % of commercially harvested trees are for paper production – this is expected to rise to […]

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