Reflexology for Pregnancy

Reflexology for pregnancy is tailored to care for the mind, body and wellbeing of the pregnant woman and growing baby/babies. Not only is reflexology in pregnancy completely safe but it is also natural and non-invasive in skilled hands. It is such an effective way to restore and maintain ever changing balance during this time.


Pregnancy is a wonderful time for most women, but during the 40 weeks there are many changes occurring, both externally and internally. Although it is a joyful experience it can also be a challenging and stressful time. The mother`s body is changing quickly to meet the needs of the growing child. This is a time when she starts to think more about her health and getting fit and well. This is where the Complementary Health Practitioner comes into action!

Course Details


For dates, prices and to book please scroll to the bottom of the page


This Reflexology for pregnancy course will give you the knowledge and confidence to work with this client group. You will develop a good understanding of the anatomy of pregnancy and the changes occurring. As a result of this knowledge, you can then adapt your reflexology accordingly.


This course is a two day attendance course supported by an online module. The on line section will be completed as a pre-read then reviewed in class.


Anatomy and Physiology Review: – This on line module will guide you through the changes that occur to our clients’ body during pregnancy.


In the on-line module we will be reviewing :


  • The structure and function of the relevant anatomical systems. : Skin : Endocrine : Digestive : Muscular : Skeletal : Circulation : Reproductive 
  • How pregnancy brings about change to each system
  • The stages of pregnancy
  • Foetal development
  • Common conditions during pregnancy


As soon as you have booked onto the course you will be given your log-in details for the on-line module. Once completed there is a self-assessment section for you to complete at the end of the module. It is a requirement to study the on-line anatomy and physiology section and pass the test prior to attending the practical weekend. This will equip you to fully benefit from the practical weekend.


Practical Days : – The attended course will be fully dedicated to the practical aspects of pregnancy reflexology.


We will cover the following:


  • Benefits of reflexology in pregnancy
  • Safety considerations
  • In-depth knowledge and treatment plan for common conditions of pregnancy
  • Pre-labour techniques to show mother and partner
  • Review stages of pregnancy
  • Reflexology to suit stages of pregnancy
  • Understanding process of labour
  • Application of reflexology techniques – suggestion of a routine
  • Priming for Labour techniques – including for labour
  • Endocrine Balance techniques
  • Endocrine Balance Hand Reflexology Video techniques link
  • Understanding of the post-natal period (6 weeks or community midwife discharge)
  • Pregnancy Consultations/Therapeutic relationship
  • Meditations for use with pregnant clients
  • After Care advice
  • Suggested further reading
  • 15 years’ experience from your tutor working in this field

Who Can Attend?

Open to qualified reflexologists

Recognition by Professional Associations

Widely accepted by most Professional Bodies. If you are not already registered with a Professional Body and would like to do so here are some useful links – ICGT, CtHA, FHT.


For stand alone insurance Westminster


More Information


This hands-on day is largely practical, thus allows sufficient time to practice techniques under the guidance of the tutor. During the course you will partner up with another therapist and will get the chance to perform the techniques taught as well as being the recipient. As a result you will benefit from understanding and experiencing how the technique should feel. Where possible pregnant ladies may also be present for you to practice on.


Duration: 2 day


Course fees include the following:

  • All class tuition
  • A comprehensive course manual
  • An MSCM Certificate of Attendance for your professional portfolio
  • 10 cpd points
  • Tea and Coffee throughout the course



You may also find the following course of interest:

Reflexology Supporting Menopause


Tutor: Jacqui Dark – see our MSCM Tutor Page


If you would like to read what others had to say about the course – click here


If you have already attended our Reflexology for Pregnancy in the past and would like to do a refresher please call us on 020-8429-2895 – you are welcome to attend the whole course at half price.

To book a place on any of our courses please remember to create an account first (if you haven’t already got one.)

Create account here 


If you already have an account please remember to log-in first

Log-in here


If the course you wish to attend is full please send us an email at [email protected]. and we will be pleased to add you to the waiting list in case we have any dropouts.


If you are unable to attend the date below and are keen to do the course please let us know on [email protected]. If we have enough interest for another date we will be happy to schedule one in.


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Course Dates

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