Course and tutor brilliant - wished it could be longer. Thank you - loved it - definitely tools to take away.
Tutor - Lisa Gwilliam
Lisa is lovely and a very competent tutor. I enjoyed this course very much. I have learnt some techniques to add to my repertoire-and have met some nice people.
Tutor - Lisa Gwilliam
A really fantastic introductory course. Definitely want to do more. Am now able to incorpirate lots of new stretches and ways of working from this informative, instructive and very enjoyable day. Thank you. A lovely day
Tutor - Lisa Gwilliam
Very useful and an appropriate amount of content for the day.
Tutor - Lisa Gwilliam
Lisa was very patient at making sure everyone was comfortable with their learning, allowing lots of time to practice. Fabulous course!
Tutor - Lisa Gwilliam
Very useful for application in practice.
Tutor - Lisa Gwilliam
Lovely teacher. Really enjoyed the day. Thank you
Tutor - Lisa Gwilliam
I enjoyed the course
Tutor - Lisa Gwilliam
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