Super helpful course to understand and treat Frozen Shoulder and related problems. Very enjoyable and highly recommended. Anita is a fantastic tutor and today's course was so well done. I am super happy!
Tutor - Anita Snowball
Well explained and demonstrated. Plenty of opportunity to practice and get feedback. Chance to learn new techniques. Fabulous!
Tutor - Anita Snowball
Lovely course, we practised so many different techniques and after care for the clients.
Tutor - Anita Snowball
Always a fabulous learning experience. Love the day! Love the tutor!
Tutor - Anita Snowball
I thought I was going to have to cancel today due to unexpected visitors but I am SO happy I didn't miss it. What a mine of information. I do see a lot of clients with shoulder problems but have never been sure what to do. I am so much more confident now. Million Thanks Anita - see you soon for Trigger points :)
Tutor - Anita Snowball
Another brilliant course. Anita is very professional - fun and really informative. Will be back soon!
Tutor - Anita Snowball
As always... impressive and fantastic! Loved every bit of it :) and learned LOADS of things!!!
Tutor - Anita Snowball
Excellent coverage of topic - better than expected
Tutor - Anita Snowball
Fab as always :)
Tutor - Anita Snowball
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